Japanese Bluesky users are having a field day, putting chaotic prompts into AI image generators.
On October 24, 2022, a new Bluesky trend broke out in Japan.
What was the trending topic? The phrase ゲーミングちんぽ. It translates to “gaming penis.”
Now, what on EARTH is a gaming penis?
Well, it’s exactly what you might imagine: A bright neon penis with a gamer aesthetic. Apparently, it is a trend created by a random person putting that phrase as a prompt to an AI image generator.
Let’s see a fine example of the gaming dick that’s going around on the Japanese internet.
繊細なエロ描写は人類に部があるけど、さっき見かけたゲーミングチンポ華道部においてはAIに負けを認めざるを得ない。https://t.co/C0bJ1kImSk pic.twitter.com/7K2qug7Ykr
— あんこさん (@ankomelt) October 23, 2022
This being the internet, there is already an even more chaotic variant of this trend: ゲーミングちんぽ華道部. This translates to “gaming penis traditional flower arrangement club.”
As you may or may not know, the practice of flower arrangements is a traditional culture in Japan that has been practiced since the 15th century. Now we are seeing people arranging gaming penises.
#StableDiffusion pic.twitter.com/vVVABafOo9— 島田寒月@StableDiffusionP (@ShimadaKangetsu) October 23, 2022
ゲーミングちんぽ華道、AIが実際にある生け花の型を学習して律儀に反映してるの嫌すぎる pic.twitter.com/joloFE1BPn
— 翻訳姫VT(CN→JP)♎🏥🍶 (@HonyakuhimeVt) October 23, 2022
As VTuber Honyakuhime pointed out in the above tweet, this particular AI image generator used an actual traditional flower arrangement format (pictured right) to create a high-quality gaming penis arrangement (pictured left).
And of course, because someone thought it would be a good idea if there was a rival group to the gaming penis traditional flower arrangement club, there is now プリンセスペニス盆栽 (Princess Penis Bonsai).
ゲーミングちんぽ華道部の対抗勢力としてプリンセスペニス盆栽が勃興 pic.twitter.com/Xx7euHKtlz
— 東亜四季 (@Season_TOA) October 23, 2022
This trend adds to the recent series of wacky fetish prompts on the Japanese internet. Another notable fetish AI prompt that’s been going around is 爆乳機関車 (Big-tittied Tank Engines).
【悲報】AI絵師、『爆乳機関車』という概念を爆誕させる🥶 https://t.co/6M6LWZBXV4
トーマスじゃん pic.twitter.com/pC2B5sighP— なる (@nalltama) October 22, 2022
In viral penis news, this cute little penis mascot that has been registered as a trademarked image on October 24, 2022, by Seiyukai, an association of healthcare corporations that specifically treats penis-related problems, has caused a stir in Japan along with Gaming Penis on the same day.
商標: [画像] /
出願人: 医療法人社団清佑会 /
出願日: 2022年10月14日 /
区分: 44類(医業,医療情報の提供,健康診断,美容,あん摩・マッサージ及び指圧,カイロプラクティック,きゅう,柔道整復,整体,はり治療,調剤,栄養の指… pic.twitter.com/sAk7LAV2v3— 商標速報bot (@trademark_bot) October 24, 2022
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